3239 Stevens Creek Blvd. San Jose, CA 95117. (408) 502. 6188

Insight into Early Glaucoma and Visual Field loss

Sandy ChenComment

初期(mild-early glaucoma)青光眼的自動視野檢查(visual field)是正常的。

American Academy of Ophthalmology – 
Glaucoma Preferred Practice Pattern 2015

☐輕度-初期 (Mild or early stage): 視神經異常與上面詳述的青光眼改變相一致,以及應用標準自動視野計檢查視野正常
☐中度 (Moderate):視神經異常與上面詳述的青光眼改變相一致,以及應用標準自動視野計檢發現在1個半視野內出現與中心注視點相距5度之外的視野異常

Alta Eye Expansion

Sandy ChenComment

Dr Lee and Dr Chen are proud to announce the expansion of the practice. We have outfitted our exam room with XOMA by Reliance and top notch Haag Streit slit lamp.
It is the first unit installed in Northern California! 
Loving the elegant design and quality optics. ‪#‎HaagStreit‬‪#‎XOMA‬,‪#‎Reliance‬, Thank you to family and friends of Alta Eye. Now we can serve you with even better instruments and less wait time! ‪#‎AltaEyeExpansion‬

42% Nearsighted in US and 80% in Asian countries

nearsighted, eyeSandy ChenComment

We can't blame our parents entirely for being near-sighted or can we? In addition to genetic factors, there are many environmental factors include near-work (reading, computer use, Ipad/Iphone use), limited outdoor activity, living in urban vs rural areas, and education. For many years, I have encouraged my patients to take breaks from computers and reading and do more outdoor activities. But..How can we compete with others in school and get in the Ivy league schools without spending hours in front of books/computers and memorizing the encyclopedia/wikipedia? Having a balanced life is important. I find that I feel so much better after taking a little outdoor break, even if it is just a walk or short hike. There are more and more studies supporting the more time spent outdoors help with preventing myopia. The good news is that I am seeing a trend of parents encouraging their kids to participate in outdoor activities.

Plan a trip outdoors, go hiking, go to the beach before school starts!


Researchers at the University Medical Center in Mainz, Germany examined nearsightedness in 4,685 Germans ages 35 to 74, excluding anyone with cataracts or who had undergone refractive surgery. The Gutenberg Health Study showed that myopia appeared to become more prevalent as education level increased:

  • 24 percent with no high school education or other training were nearsighted.
  • 35 percent of high school graduates and vocational school graduates were nearsighted.
  • 53 percent of university graduates were nearsighted.

Smart Contact Lens

eye, technology, diabetesSandy ChenComment

Diabetes Mellitus patients may be using contact lenses to measure glucose instead of suffering repeated pricks.  Google and Alcon are developing a Smart Contact Lens with microchip implanted that measures the glucose in their tear film. We may be fitting diabetes mellitus patients for contact lenses soon! I think it is an exciting use of eye technology.


Face Book

Sandy ChenComment

Have been working on a FaceBook Page for our FB fans!

I got some pictures together of the Alta Eye construction and created an album on the Alta Eye Care FB page.

Don't forget to RSVP for the Grand Opening Party!  Call at 408-502-6188 or Email to

Check us out and like us on FB!